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Kawasaki Jet Skis - On the last few years it takes off allot slower then it did..

Forum -> jet skis -> Kawasaki Jet Skis

On the last few years it takes off allot slower then it did..
by: chris   on: Sunday, May 2 2010 at 11:14:59 EDT

i have a 1996 jetski kawaski still in good cond, in the last few years it takes off allot slowe..

by: chris   on: Sunday, May 2 2010 at 11:17:05 CDT

i have a 1996 jetski kawaski still in good cond, in the last few years it takes off allot slower then it did, so i am looking for ideas for what it could be ? is there a trans in them, or props, it seems when you take off it sounds like the motor is ready too go but it takes another 5 to 10 seconds too catch up to the motor.
after it is going about 15 miles an hour it will kick in and go, about 50 miles an hour. so i guess what i am saying is that it is drags when i take off.
any ideas ? chris.

by: JC   on: Sunday, May 2 2010 at 17:05:57 CDT

Caviatation issue is what it sounds like, if it revs up fine and sounds like it wants to go but nothing happens right away then go you the back of your ski, with the engine off while on the trailer, and inspect the wear ring for gauges, grooves any damage other then smooth plastic ( its the piece located around the impeller) also inspect the impeller for any damage,
if there are any chips or damage to the leading edges of the impeller it will need to either be resurfaced or replaced depending on how bad it is. If everything there is ok check your intake grate and ride plate for damage, make sure the sealent around where the rideplate bolts to the hull is all there so no air can get in.

it could also be a pump issue, like a crack in the pump but what I ave already listed should fix the problem, let me know what you see when you inspect the wear ring and impeller

Forum -> jet skis -> Kawasaki Jet Skis

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